Anti Washout Admixtures Admix A-WASH-C Can 1000 Liters Brand Weber Color Brown
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Shop Anti-Washout Admixture Admix A-WASH-C, SODAMCO-Weber Brand, Can size 1000 Liters, Color Clear Brown liquid, For use on floors, ceilings and walls, designed to prevent loss of cement and fine particles during underwater concrete placement and is a combination of thixotropic agents and superplasticisers, has a minimal impact on water demand and lead time, and reduces the need for dewatering.
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Product description
Anti-Washout Admixture Admix A-WASH-C, SODAMCO-Weber Brand, For use on floors, ceilings and walls Designed to prevent loss of cement and fine particles during underwater placement of concrete A combination of thixotropic agents and superplasticisers, has minimal impact on water demand and lead time, reduces the need for dewatering, and has no impact on slump properties .
- Size: Can 1000 Liters
- Color: Clear Brown liquid
- Validity: 12 months
- Flammability: Not flammable
- Dosage rate: from 260 - 1300 ml per 100 kg of cement