Chemical Accelerators Admixtures for Concrete Proset NA Barrel 210 Liters Brand  DCP Color Pale Straw

Chemical Accelerators Admixtures for Concrete Proset NA Barrel 210 Liters Brand DCP Color Pale Straw

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Chemical Accelerators Admixtures for Concrete Proset NA, DCP Brand, Barrel size 210 liter, Pale straw liquid color, shelf life 12 months. A chloride-free admixture accelerator for wet and dry shotcrete. It speeds up hardening allowing thick sections to form and minimal setback. Shotcrete can be applied in one stage for thicker layers. Excellent for vertical applications.

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Product description

Proset NA, DCP Brand, Is Chemical Accelerators Admixtures for Concrete. A chloride-free accelerator for wet and dry shotcrete. It works fast to harden allowing thick sections to form and minimal setback. Shotcrete can be applied in one stage for thicker layers. Excellent for vertical applications.

  • Color: Pale straw liquid
  • Size: Barrel 210 liter
  • Validity: 12 months
  • Compatibility: With concrete mixes containing ordinary Portland cement or quick-hardening Portland cement
  • Cleaning: Wash directly with cold water
  • Flammability: Not flammable

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