Hollow Red Bricks   Al-  Amoudi Company Size 40×20×10 cm  Endurance strength 25 kg/cm2

Hollow Red Bricks Al- Amoudi Company Size 40×20×10 cm Endurance strength 25 kg/cm2

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Hollow Red Bricks, Al-Amoudi Factory, Size 40×20×10 cm, Endurance strength 25 kg/cm2, It is characterized by its resistance to fire and humidity, good insulator of heat and sound, and is characterized by strength, solidity and pressure tolerance. It is environmentally friendly.

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Product description

Hollow Red Bricks, Al-Amoudi Factory, fire and moisture resistant, good heat and sound insulator, strong, solid and pressure-resistant, environmentally friendly.

  • Size: 40×20×10 cm
  • Endurance strength: 25 kg/cm2

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