Fire Resistant Paint Hempel Hempafire Pro 315 White Matt Paints for Steel Surfaces Up to 90 Minutes
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Fire Resistant Paint Hempafire Pro 315 that prevent the spread of flame for up to an hour and half, Colour White, Appearance Matt, Brand Hempel, can be use for steel surfaces, Intumescent coating of structural steel against cellulosic fires. Forms weather resistance 12 month without a final coat of paint, provided that this paint is sufficiently dried, and not exposed to condensation, running or pooling water.
Product description
Hempel Hempel Pro 315 is a matt paint specially designed for fire protection of steel surfaces. It features intumescent technology that helps prevent the spread of flames for up to 1.5 hours. The paint provides weather resistance for 12 months without the need for a top coat, provided it dries sufficiently and is not exposed to running or standing water.
Resistance duration: Prevents the spread of flames for 1 hour, provides additional protection for up to 1.5 hours.
Appearance: Matt
Color: White
Shelf life: 15 months
Surfaces used for painting: Steel surfaces
Application tools: Brush and roller (airless spraying is not recommended)
Thinners: Thinners are not recommended
Drying time: Affected by the thickness of the paint, the temperature of the steel, the relative humidity and other factors.
Fire resistance: Protects steel surfaces from the spread of flames for up to 1.5 hours.
Weather resistance: Provides protection for 12 months without a top coat if it dries sufficiently.
Intumescence technology: Enhances the fire resistance of steel structures.
Hempel Hempel Fire Resistant Paint 90 Minutes White: Ideal for use on steel surfaces in fire prone areas.
Hempel Hempel Fire Resistant Paint 315 for Steel Surfaces: Used as a protective layer on structural steel.
Hempel Fire Resistant Paint 315 90 Minutes Matt: Provides a fire resistant layer for industrial and commercial buildings.
Hempel Fire Resistant Paint 315 White for Steel Surfaces: Suitable for use in both large and small projects.
Hempel Hempel Fire Resistant Paint 315 Matt: Enhances the safety of buildings by preventing the spread of fire.