Concrete manhole Chamber, size 0.5 kg, heat resistant

Concrete manhole Chamber, size 0.5 kg, heat resistant

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Cotton work gloves with a modern and elegant design, weight (0.5) kg, designed to protect your hands in hot work environments. The heat-insulating lining provides complete protection for the hands from extreme heat, making them ideal for use in a variety of tasks.

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All Product of: Safety Gloves

Product description

A stylish and modern work glove A pair of cotton gloves featuring a front panel covered with a coated insulating layer. This insulating layer provides additional protection against heat or hot materials, making the gloves ideal for use in environments that require protection from high temperatures, such as workshops, construction sites, or while handling hot tools and materials. The cotton gloves themselves provide comfort and ventilation, making them comfortable for long-term use while still providing the required protection.

Specifications and dimensions:

  • Made of:Cotton
  • Weight: (0.5 kg)

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